Pimpin 101 -what is Harboring in regards to human trafficking? (Toronto escort, New York escort, Ottawa escorts, Vancouver escorts,Montreal , Canada)
In the scenario described, an escort willingly works with an agency, feels comfortable with the environment, and has no issue contributing money to the agency and location. This situation would not typically be considered harboring in the context of human trafficking because it lacks key elements that define human trafficking and harboring, such as force, fraud, or coercion.Here’s why this would generally not be considered harboring in human trafficking:1. No Coercion or Force: Harboring in human trafficking usually involves a situation where the victim is being concealed, held against their will, or otherwise controlled. If the escort is choosing to work with the agency of her own free will, without any threats, force, or pressure to remain there, this does not meet the standard of coercion associated with trafficking.2. Voluntary Participation: If she is willingly participating in the activities, contributing money to the agency, and feels comfortable with the arrangement, she is not being held or concealed against her will. The voluntary nature of her actions means that there is no need to “harbor” her in the sense that is relevant to trafficking.3. Mutual Agreement with the Agency: Human trafficking involves the exploitation of individuals through deceit, manipulation, or pressure to work against their will. In this case, if the escort willingly entered into an agreement with the agency and can leave whenever she wants, it is more indicative of a business arrangement than of trafficking or harboring.For harboring to be relevant in human trafficking, there must be a victim who is being kept in a situation of exploitation without their full consent, typically through some form of coercion or manipulation. In this scenario, the escort’s consent and willingness to remain make it inconsistent with the definition of being “harbored” in a trafficking context.____________________________________Here are a few examples of how the complainants in the Juteah Downey case expressed how they were NOT harboured or forced to work at the agency location.⬇️Page 14- ( 488) “Nobody was stuck, I believe that truly” (PC)Page 58- (1723) “I never had issues with him trying to confine me at the town house” ( ST)Page 61- “I never encounted anyone like being forced to stay there” (ST)Page 66- “When the cops came I wanted them to know that I felt we were doing nothing wrong and we wanted to be there, I wanted them to see that we were at a clean a safe spot” (ST)Page 70- ” Moved to uplands, I was exhausted. It was draining to go back and forth, so I guess I thought it would be easier to just finally move in with him and the girls” (ST)Page 30- ” He didn’t mention a living situation, Preston never paid for a room or hotel, I wanted a house and felt comfortable” (PC)Page 53- ” It was my idea to rent, I had both places in my name” (PC)Page 28-(101) -(PC about MM) ” She wasn’t there continuously because she had her son, and was taking care of him , she would work three hours or a week and then back kind of thing.”Page 39- “Uplands was a safe environment (ST March 25 2022)Page 52-(1960) ” Don’t pay rent until the sink is fixed ” (ST)Question: ” So your not physically isolated?, no restriction on access to who ever you want to see?”.Answer: “correct yes” (ST)Page 43- ( 1188) ” Trinity had rent at another place, and she slept all day” (MM)Page 44- (1189) ” Queen, trinity they get to sleep and do whatever they want” (MM)Page 22- “I don’t know why I told him to delay paying rent” (PC may 20th)Page 75-“Stamford was very clean I was cleaning it everyday” (PC may 18th)Page 62-(1831) “I stayed with a guy and Downey didn’t get upset” (ST)Page 93- (1758) “He never really raised his voice, or threatened to hurt me or threaten to hit me at any point” (ST)Page 6- (1175) “usually with me he would just confront me about it, and he would be calm, he wouldn’t be aggressive or anything like that” (ST March 16)” I never had a problem with leaving I just packed my stuff up and left” (PG)Page 77- (1342) “I could make my own rules” (MM)Page 928-“As in control nobody was controlling me” (PG)